Rick Thoman from ACCAP with the Spring Climate Review and Summer Forecast. Mike Brubaker from ANTHC with LEO Network Spring Events Review, Laurie Meythaler-Mullins on Practicing Veterinary Medicine in the YK Region, a Cross-Agency HPAI Update with Andy Ramey and friends, and Speed Rounds with Karen Pletnikoff of APIA, Sarah Yoder from ANTHC, Maya Homsy King and Michelle Johannsen from the Wildlife Conservation Foundation.
Rick Thoman from ACCAP with Winter Climate Review and Spring Forecast. Mike Brubaker from ANTHC with LEO Winter Events Review, Keelan Kenny Royal Veterinary College with HPAI Event Analysis and Survey Results, Cross -agency leads on HPAI Situation Update and Speed Rounds including Joe McLaughlin from DOH on Alaska Pox, Kimberlee Beckmen from ADFG on Redpoll illness,Tori Burket from CDC/AIP on new AIP leadership, Rick Thoman on Arctic Report Card, Imi Kahailat from Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay, Ariel Hawks-Feldman (and company) on UAF HPAI Capstone Project and Tom Hennessy on the upcoming American Society for Circumpolar Health meeting.
Rick Thoman UAF ACCAP Summer Climate Review and Fall Forecast, Mike Brubaker, Center for Climate and Health ANTHC/APU Summer LEO Events Review, Kimberlee Beckmen ADFG - HPAI in Land Mammals, Bob Gerlach ADEC, Torie Burket CDC/AIP, Kelsy Nickerson UAF, and Joe McLaughlin ADH
Rick Thoman UAF ACCAP Winter Climate Review and Spring Forecast, Mike Brubaker, Center for Climate and Health ANTHC/APU Winter LEO Events Review, Robb Kaler USFWS Alaska Seabird Update, Gay Sheffield Sea Grant and Emma Pete NSHC, Monitoring for HABs in Norton Sound, Dana Bruden CDC on Arctic Research Plan Health Goals, Bob Gerlach ADEC on State Veterinarian’s updates (shared for Dr. Gerlach by Mike Brook), Andy Ramey on USGS updates (invited), Kimberley Beckmen on ADFG Veterinarian updates (invited) Mike Brubaker on ANTHC Zoonotic Disease Grant
Matthew Smith USGS Serologic Survey of Fanciscella Tularensis in Wildlife of the Arctic Coastal Plain in Alaska, Kimberlee Beckmen ADFG One Health SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance 2023-2024 /High Path Avian influenza in wildlife/Northwest Alaska Rabies, outbreak Arleigh Reynolds UAF One Health One Future Conference Follow Up, Jackie Schaeffer ANTHC Climate Initiative Program, Sarah Olson Wildlife Conservation Society on SARS-CoV-2 Participatory Animal Surveillance in Alaska, Andy Ramey USGS on Bird Flu, Sarah Corburn ADEC on State Veterinarian’s Office Updates, Terri Lomax ADEC on Human Health Criteria for Water Quality Standards
Norseman II Cruise HAB Findings - Don Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute; Sarah Coburn ADEC on HPAI; Andy Ramey USGS on HPAI;Jackie Schaeffer ANTHC on Climate Initiative Program; Meredith LaValley IAARPC; Robb Kaler USFWS on 2022 Sea bird update and trends.
Summer climate review, fall forecast, LEO events review, HPAI activities (ADEC, USFWS, USGS, ANTHC), 2022 Sea Bird Die off, cryptosporidium and giardia in moose calves, AVPS, on bacterial (Erysipelothrix sp.) in Cook Inlet beluga whales, clinical cases for healthcare professionals on One Health/Planetary Health related learning objectives and clinical competencies, Norton Sound Algae Bloom, UAF One Health Future conference, ADH on Monkey Pox and Alaska Pox.
The One Health Group is a quarterly meeting of animal, plant, human and environmental health professionals to discuss One Health related topics in the Circumpolar North.
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